Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Healthy Popcorn

Corn kernels for popping are said to be non-GMO.

One of the worst popcorn products is that which is made in a microwave oven. Its packaging is an issue, adding a dangerous chemical that should not be consumed.

The bag almost all microwave popcorn varieties come in is lined with perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). This chemical is the same toxic stuff found in teflon pots and pans. It can stay in the environment and in the human body for long periods of time. This chemical when heated has been linked to infertility, cancer and other diseases in lab animals. No long term studies have been conducted on humans, but the EPA lists this substance as a carcinogen. 

Other popcorn products that are made to be cooked on a range top have oils that should not be consumed.

My plan is to obtain popcorn kernels that are organic. Such popping corn is free from pesticide and any other chemicals.

I love to melt organic butter and mix that into the popcorn batch.

Saturday, March 03, 2018

A New Furnace

How easily I took for granted being able to flash the chill from my home when outdoor temperatures dipped.

These past two winters without a functioning furnace required alternative means for acquiring warmth. This did not include coverage for the entire house.

I am in a prefabricated double-wide mobile home. The furnace is housed in its outdoor-access closet-like space. It is smaller than the original unit; yet, much more efficient.

The electronic igniter obviates the need for a gas pilot that burns 24/7. (Obviously, the old pilot was turned off during summer.)

And I do not take it for granted how easily I maintain a comfortable home environment for my entire house.

My youngest son put the cost on his Visa card and my middle son is paying that off in five equal monthly payments.

How wonderful to have children that step up to the plate financially and help me in my time of need.