Friday, August 30, 2013

Text a Driver … See Your Day in Court

 Texting Distraction
Accident Due To Texting Distraction

Investigation into a terrible accident indicates that the driver received a text around the time of the accident. You are responsible for that text. If you live in New Jersey this could spell "big trouble" for you.

"…if the sender of text messages knows that the recipient is driving and texting at the same time, a court may hold the sender responsible for distraction and hold him or her liable for the accident.

'We hold that the sender of a text message can potentially be liable if an accident is caused by texting, but only if the sender knew or had special reason to know that the recipient would view the text while driving and thus be distracted," the court said."

It is only a matter of time before any and all prosecutors will go after those who have texted at the time a driver has a terrible accident.

My smart phone is a wonderful convenience. I have lost count of the number of times I have pulled to the curb and stopped for texting. I do not need the inconvenience and expense ($1.000.00 deductable) of an accident.

What about you? Are you careful not to text while driving?

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Mobile Deposit Glitchiness

Other banks were advertising mobile deposits long before Wells Fargo made its app available for my iPhone. I eagerly downloaded the free app; yet, hesitated with the next couple of checks. I worried that my deposited money might not be as readily available as a check deposited at the ATM.

So, finally, when I did use the app I photographed both front and back (properly endorsed) of a check and followed through with the deposit action.

Immediately a dialog box alerted me that a photo was not clear and that I should redo the mobile deposit process.

The images that I accepted after snapping each photo WERE clear on MY display, and the check image fit within the marked margins on screen.

I did not attempt to redo the process; instead, taking the check to my bank's ATM.

So, I have the mobile banking app on my iPhone. One of these days I will try it once again. Maybe after an app update is released and installed on my phone.

My son has an app from a different bank and uses mobile deposit routinely.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Uninsured next year? Here's your Obamacare penalty…

"To try to ensure that people sign up for coverage, the Affordable Care Act carries complex penalties for those who remain uninsured that could cost them hundreds, or even thousands of dollars. Some 6 million people could be hit with these fines in 2016, forking $7 billion over to the federal government, according to the Congressional Budget Office." (Reference)

The penalty will be way less costly than a year's worth of monthly premiums. Yet, the uninsured will be paying for a dead horse. In other words, the penalty payment gets nothing for the person who pays it.

Anyone due a refund at tax time, who is not insured, will see the penalty deducted from their refund amount.

"Among those exempted include: undocumented immigrants, Native Americans and those who earn too little to file tax returns. Also, people who would have to pay more than 8% of their income for health insurance and poor adults who live in states that are not expanding Medicaid also aren't subject to the penalty. The uninsured can also file for hardship exemptions." (Reference)

Luckily, my Kaiser Senior Advantage plan, through Medicare, should remain relatively unchanged. That premium is approximately $100 per month, Nonetheless, simply getting blood tests carries a $30 co-pay per lab visit. Seeing my doctor carries a $20 co-pay per visit.


Friday, August 09, 2013

Tasering Can Be Lethal

"Non-Lethal" no longer seems to fit the description of tasering devices used by law enforcement. Regardless of the small percentage of tasered subjects who die, the issue is a serious one. One death is too many.

Taser development began around 1969. The device is also known as a "stun gun." Over the years the laser has been touted as a life-saver when used by police in lieu of a gun to stop a fleeing suspect. Still, why do deaths occur?

It seems that re-tasering is involved with stun gun-related deaths. When the initial tasering fails to stop the alleged criminal how many retaserings should be allowed?

This is a difficult situation when the alternative to the stun gun is a gun with bullets. That seems more potentially lethal.

Should the term "non-lethal weapon" be replaced with "alternative weapon?"

Papua New Guinea Nebilyer Valley Peaberry

"The rich volcanic soils of Papua New Guinea contain significant amounts of volcanic ash, resulting in soils with a remarkably high concentration of organic matter. The result? Coffee beans with exceptional body…"

This will be my next choice if it is still available in six days.

At this time I cannot find a lower cost for good coffee beans than that at Old Bisbee Roasters. They roast the beans for your order at the time they receive it. Then, while still warm from roasting the beans are packaged and shipped. When purchasing two or more pounds per order the shipping is free. As well, the method is USPS Priority Mail.

Sumatra Ika Mandheling

The Blue Mendheling is delicious this time around. I am enjoying a cup currently. I have become spoiled by specialty coffees to the extent that I cannot enjoy restaurant coffee. Perhaps the restaurants use ground Robusto, lesser quality, beans.

Coffees from Old Bisbee Roasters are always 100% Arabica beans.

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

The Sun's Magnetic Field is about to Flip

"It looks like we're no more than 3 to 4 months away from a complete field reversal," says solar physicist Todd Hoeksema of Stanford University. "This change will have ripple effects throughout the solar system."

What does that bring? A few years back I had read that a solar magnetic field reversal would bring down our electrical energy grids. Now, there is nothing mentioned about any devastating result.

Will birds fly north for winter rather than head south? Not likely, but fun to mention. is the place to find information about our solar system, our galaxy, and our universe.

The referencing article for this post is at

Saturday, August 03, 2013

OC Deputy Is Accused of Pepper Spraying Teen's Pizza

"An Orange County Sheriff’s deputy is facing jail time after being accused of pepper spraying a teen's pizza without his knowledge during a traffic stop last year, prosecutors said.

"Juan Tavera, [is] a six-year veteran of the Orange County Sheriff’s Department at the time of the alleged crime…" (Reference)

Was the teen disrespectful; thus, prompting the deputy's response? Why would a six-year veteran of law enforcement commit such an act?

Thankfully no one became morbidly ill. Yet, all who ate the pizza got sick from it.

Should we assume that the deputy acts out in similar ways on a regular basis? When law enforcement is charged with protecting and serving, covertly pepper-spraying a pizza seems to be the antithesis to protecting and serving.

People in law enforcement wonder why they do not get the respect from the public that they feel they deserve. As we know, respect is earned. The general disrespect that gets exhibited today has largely been earned as well.