Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Apple Topples Microsoft's Throne

Apple's soaring stock price has enabled the tech giant to eclipse Microsoft's $219.2 billion market cap.

"Microsoft's dominance as the tech industry's most valuable player has ended."


  1. Apple is now the largest technology company in the world. (Reference)

  2. Oh, you would LOVE one of my co-teachers, the computer teacher. He LOVES all things Apple. He makes fun of my attachment to my iPhone, yet all my computers are PCs.

    But I believe Apple is unstoppable for now. I would love to have an iPad.


  3. I, too, would get an iPad if I could fit it into my budget. I have seen my friend's and an iPad would definitely work for me.

    Apple remains innovative with quality products. Microsoft copies many ideas in the tech market. They have not taken the world by storm with anything.
