Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Will Of The People — Ignored

The masses gathered in Cairo on Freedom Square are demanding that both Mubarak and his regime step down immediately.

Today at around 2100 GMT Mubarak appeared on Egyptian TV, announcing, in so many words, he will not be stepping down. The initial tone of the crowd being quiet and holding hopeful expectations swelled to anger and loudly chanting "go go, leave leave."

Is Mubarak that out of touch with the mood of the masses? Did he truly believe he was going to quiet the demands for his immediately vacating his presidency? He failed to lift Egypt's Emergency Law. It appears that the situation going forward will only get uglier.

1 comment:

  1. Egyptians are observing Farewell Friday and crowds are gathering at the Presidential Palace and State TV building. As well, Liberation Square is described as packed with people. And people are still arriving at the square.

    Besides Cairo, there are angry crowds demonstrating in Alexandria, Mansoura, and Suez. The tone of gathering Egyptians everywhere is the angriest ever since demonstrations first began.

    State TV is unable to get guests into its building, nor can broadcast staff come and go.
