Friday, December 23, 2011

Hurtful Hernia

The diaphragm is our main muscle for breathing. The esophagus (food tube) passes through a natural opening (esophageal hiatus) at the diaphragm after which it joins the stomach. A hiatal hernia is when a portion of the top of the stomach slides up through the esophageal hiatus in the diaphragm towards the chest cavity. This results in pressure on the esophageal walls, and often manifests intense discomfort. Due to its location the pain of a hiatal hernia feels like a heart attack.

I just spent fours days in hospital where after two endoscopies and one CAT scan I was diagnosed with two kidney stones, gallstones, and a hiatal hernia. Ouch!

I am home now in recovery mode. As well, I am learning how to live with a hiatal hernia.

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